Heart Centered. Purpose Driven.

The Evolved Man



When I got married to my lovely wife in 2015, my life changed forever. Being a husband meant something. It hit different.

It caused me to dig deep and unearth the best version of myself for my wife and our future kids. I studied the mind, emotions, wealth creation, health and fitness. Everything. I ate up anything I could get my hands on to help me grow.

In time, it gave me the tools to help other men level up their lives as well. I've spent the last 4 years building what has become The Evolved Man, a life coaching program for men that leads them to the edge of what is possible and gives them weapons to become the best husbands, fathers, and humans they can.

We've helped men communicate more lovingly.

We've brought men back from the edge of suicide.

We've given men more mental and financial freedom than they thought possible.

We've taught men how to love themselves so that they can love others more authentically.

Men have changed here.

Families have grown here.

Generations have evolved here.

But don't just take my word for it. Check out what some of my clients (and their families) are saying about their experience below.In

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Nick Matiash

"He helped me see and understand that there's no need to be afraid of money, and that I'm in control of it at all times. It's a gift I'm forever grateful for."

- Alister

"I had always created my success from a place of fear; always running away from pain or something I didn't want. What I learned with Nick was that I didn't have to be motivated by stress or worry, and that I could create the life I wanted from a place of peace and joy."


Helping men make more money...

Helping men feel more free...

And helping men show up more powerfully for their wives...


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